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Brain Monitoring System Market Value Share, Supply Demand, share and Value Chain 2016-2026

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 14, 2017 ) Brain monitoring systems are used to measure the electrical or neuronal activity of the brain for various reasons such as to calculate bispectral index (depth of anesthesia); diagnosis and monitoring of neurological and brain disorders, sleep disorders, trauma...


Molecular Diagnostics Market Segments, Opportunity, Growth and Forecast By End-use Industry 2016-2026

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 14, 2017 ) Molecular diagnostics is a method of analyzing and identifying the biological markers in the genome and proteome in order to identify gene expression by applying molecular biology. Molecular diagnostics are used to diagnose disease and risk involved. Molecular...


Glioblastoma Treatment Drugs Market Revenue, Opportunity, Forecast and Value Chain 2016-2026

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 14, 2017 ) Brain tumors is one of the leading cause of cancer which is common among children and teenagers. Glioblastoma (GBM) is most common grade four tumor, is malignant and contains dead tumor cells. It is also called as Glioblastoma multiforme, it has variants of...


Robotic X-ray Scanner Market size and Key Trends in terms of volume and value 2016-2026

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 14, 2017 ) Robotic X-ray scanner is a medical imaging device which gives flexibility to the medical practitioner. It has got its name from its characteristic of moving according to commands given to it. This robotic X-ray scanner uses radiographic abilities and is used...


Opioid-Induced Constipation (OIC) Treatment Market Dynamics, Forecast, Analysis and Supply Demand 2016-2026

(PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 14, 2017 ) Opioids are a class of medications that are regularly endorsed for their pain relieving, or pain-killing, properties it is chronic and non-cancer pain. A typical symptom connected with the utilization of these medications are that they decrease the gastrointestinal...


Endocavity Transducer Market Globally Expected to Drive Growth through 2026

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 14, 2017 ) Endocavity transducer is a device which is used to visualize the colorectal and transvaginal areas internally by the help of ultrasonic sound waves.They are inserted into body cavities to diagnose problems associated with colorectal and transvaginal body parts....


Medical Pendant Market Volume Forecast and Value Chain Analysis 2016-2026

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 14, 2017 ) The medical pendant systems provide appropriate positioning of medical equipment, terminal units, medical gas, specialty and electrical services. Medical pendant systems are mounted on the ceiling with the robust carcass system consisting of stainless steel...


Autoimmune Disease Therapeutics Market Volume Forecast and Value Chain Analysis 2016-2026

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 14, 2017 ) Autoimmune diseases is a body’s hyperactive immune response against the substances and tissues normally present in the body. Autoimmune diseases are more commonly caused by genetic, infectious or environmental factors. The prevalence of autoimmune disease...


Current and Projected New-Born Screening Equipment Market size in terms of volume and value 2016-2026

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 14, 2017 ) Newborn Screening also called Neonatal Screening is a procedure to detect certain harmful, genetic, developmental or metabolic disorders that may result in mental retardation or death if not detected. In some cases the symptoms or signs are not present but...


Osteosarcoma Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2016 by Region, Forecast

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 13, 2017 ) Publisher's clinical trial report, "Osteosarcoma Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2016" provides an overview of Osteosarcoma clinical trials scenario. This report provides top line data relating to the clinical trials on Osteosarcoma. Report includes an...


Medical Automation Market by Product & Data Validation, Analysis and Forecast 2022

(PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 13, 2017 ) According to Publisher, the Global Medical Automation Technologies Market is estimated to be $52.67 billion in 2015 and is expected to reach $95.2 billion growing at a CAGR of 8.8%. The factors that are influencing the market growth include rising healthcare...


Wilms' Tumor (Nephroblastoma) Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2016 by Region, Forecast

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 13, 2017 ) Publisher's clinical trial report, "Wilms' Tumor (Nephroblastoma) Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2016" provides an overview of Wilms' Tumor (Nephroblastoma) clinical trials scenario. This report provides top line data relating to the clinical trials on...


Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2016 by Region, Forecast

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 13, 2017 ) Publisher's clinical trial report, "Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2016" provides an overview of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia clinical trials scenario. This report provides top line data relating to the clinical trials on...


Psoriatic Arthritis Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2016 by Region, Forecast

 (PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 13, 2017 ) Publisher's clinical trial report, "Psoriatic Arthritis Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2016" provides an overview of Psoriatic Arthritis clinical trials scenario. This report provides top line data relating to the clinical trials on Psoriatic Arthritis....


Genetic Testing Market by Product & Data Validation, Analysis and Forecast 2022

(PharmaNewsWire.Com, January 13, 2017 ) According to Publisher, the Global Genetic Testing market accounted for $3.5 billion in 2015 and is expected to reach $6.0 billion by 2022 growing at a CAGR of 8.2% from 2015 to 2022. Genetic tests have revolutionized the molecular diagnostics market. Factors...


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